baby chicks on starter
How long should i feed chick starter?
AnswerAnswer: How long you feed chick start depends on the feed and the breed. Some are specifically just to start and some are start/grow.
If raising laying hens you will want to feed Start at least until they have a full set of feathers and are about half grown, then switch to Layer.
If raising fast growing meat breeds like Cornish Cross or similar, you will need to get them on Grower fast.
Chick Start is often very fine crumbles making it easier for little hatchlings to eat it and more nutrient rich than feed for another life cycle. Bantam and miniature breed chicks could stay on Start longer than large breeds.
In a brief look at different brands of feed, each one has suggested time frames for feeding. Personally, I’ve raised healthy happy chicks on Layer crumbles with no problems.
I’ve also fed Chick Start, Conditioning and Grower to adults during the molt to give them a nutritional boost for all that feather production.
Most prepared chicken feeds have great nutritional values. Start, Grow and Conditioning usually have a higher percentage of protein than Layer or a generic poultry feed.
I suggest avoiding medicated chick starts unless you have sick chicks. If chicks have access to greens and can forage for bugs and seeds, all the better.