Hen with scales in mouth
Hen with scales in mouth: I have a hen with yellowy scales inside of her mouth and throat on one side.
Her face looks swollen and her eyes are almost shut. She has terrible rotten meat smelling breath odor and the other hens peck at her. Any ideas?
Answer: You need to separate her from the flock. I do not know what this is, have never seen the like. I would highly recommend you take her to a vet that knows chickens and can diagnose this.
It could be highly contagious and life threatening. I wish I could be more help, but from your description, I’ve not run across this.
Judging by the rotting smell she will need antibiotics, if it’s possible to save her.
The other hens probably peck at her as they recognize something is wrong with her and they don’t want her around.
They may kill her and become infected during the contact. I would recommend a thorough cleaning of your coop, but it’s probably best to find out what it is to know how to disinfect effectively.
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